Sunday, August 28, 2011

sunflowers and God

I have been waiting for weeks to be able to share our sunflowers with you. They are really tall and beautiful. The bees have been enjoying them as well. I was thinking about how amazing these are, and how they come from  such a small seed. Within a few months they are 10 to 12 feet tall!

That got me thinking about intelligent design. How else could these have been made? A big bang? Seriously!? Scientists want me to believe that a big bang created these amazing flowers that grow from a tiny seed into these HUGE majestic flowers, and then it all happens again when the seeds fall. From a huge explosion in the universe. Just happening to make these and everything else that grows. Nope, can't believe it.

God is amazing! He created these. He created all things that grow. He created humans and animals, all the systems in our bodies working together. Some people may think Christians are dumb to believe in God, but how can you NOT? These beautiful and wonderful things could only have been deliberately and intelligently designed by the God of the universe.

Anyway, Tanner planted these. Here is his proud self.

And I'm pretty sure that God has a sense of humor, because all of these sunflowers are pointed directly away from our house. Only the neighbors can actually see them in bloom over the fence. Or perhaps we should have researched and found out that sunflowers only face east, where the sun rises. Our gift to you, neighbors. Enjoy.

As you can see our garden has really grown!

Here is Max with the pumpkins he planted with Sharon. He picked them out. They are literally called "Big Max" pumpkins. He is the gardener of our family. He loves planting, watching things grow, and harvesting.

Lastly, I leave you with the cutest little watermelons. They are about the size of Tanner's fist. LOVE it!!!

Love, me

Saturday, August 13, 2011

God has opened my eyes!

It is going to be hard to write this without sounding like a complete jerk. (Hopefully, former jerk).

But, the most awesome thing has a occurred this week with me. I think I have begun to see people a little bit more the way God sees them.

Let me explain. Here's where the jerk part comes. As much as I didn't want to, I have always judged people on appearance. Not proud of it. It just happened. Oh, that person has a huge nose. That person is chubby. That person has a way out of date look. Whatever.

Not that I think I am "all that" myself. I just judged. Then I felt bad, and tried to move past it.

I know, I know.

Now for a few years, I HAVE been seeing children as beautiful. No matter what. I especially love the quirky things about them, especially when they get adult teeth that are so big for their faces. That is so cute.

But I noticed at this class I have been taking that I wasn't judging. I was just appreciating all the different looks people are created with. And they were all beautiful. I realized this as I just found this woman to be stunning. And I was trying to explain her to Danny. I said, "Well, she's kind of a bigger lady, and she has short dark hair and dark funky glasses. " And I realized that in the world's eyes, the way I was describing her was not stunningly beautiful.

But, she is! Her hair was an awesome dark shiny color, her skin was just a beautiful color, and her eyes were dark and sparkly. I don't know, just her whole self was beauty.

And another lady you could tell didn't have much money, her glasses and clothes were out of style. But her character, spunk, and enthusiasm shone through. And she was just so darn cute to me.

It is so hard to describe, but I sit with tears in my eyes right now thinking about it. It is just such a great experience to look around at all the people in my life and see such beauty.

Thank you God for opening my eyes!


Thursday, August 11, 2011

my grad class

Hey everyone!
Have you been wondering where I have been the last two weeks?

I have been in a grad class. I am learning music technology, world music/drumming, and assessment. Here is what I have been seeing all week:
This is the midi music lab we use. Adam is teaching it. I am currently creating a Hot Cross Buns arrangement titled: Hot Buns Around the World. I will not reveal that title to my 4th graders. It makes me giggle.

This is Cheryl. She teaches the hand drumming and world music. Yes, she has purple hair,
and yes, she is awesome!

This is a typical lunch at the institute.

This is my assessment teacher, Mark, when he sits behind me during our working lunch.

This is how I feel right now. I have one day left!

Woo hoo!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

technology is dumb!

OK, I really mean technology is expensive! And it makes me mad. I guess I can't think it is dumb at the same time I'm writing a BLOG!

I finally got a full time job again, starting in September (that's a whole 'nother blog post). Danny has wanted an iphone ever since they came out. A lot! And we could never afford it, but now, I guess we can. So.... we'll be getting iphones in the near future. We're calling it our 12 year anniversary present. But, just between you and me, it is more a present for Danny. I know, I know, I'll love it too. Facetime, apps, blah blah blah. But, those suckers are gonna be like $400. And then like, $200 a month for service.

And don't even get me started on our internet! Seriously, almost $50 a month for internet. And it is fast, but not THAT fast.

Also, apparently we need to have a back-up for our computers, in case they all die. Which, I'm told could be as much as $500. Seriously?!?!!!

So, there goes like $1000 all at once.

It just kind of burns my butt, you know. I don't like seeing all that money go away. No wonder people can't afford things right now. Sheesh.

I was really crabby about all of this yesterday.

And I am thankful for the opportunity to make more money and be secure. However, I know that we can't spend like this every month, or we'll be having problems.


Rant done.

Have a great day!

Love, me.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

recipe - graham sandwich cookies

My favorite treat that my mom used to make was graham crackers with cream cheese frosting. She always made them with her left over birthday cake frosting. My sister and I would eat them before the birthday dinner, and I'm pretty sure that I liked them even better than the cake.

Now that I'm trying to stay away from any thing partially or fully hydrogenated or high fructosed, store-bought graham crackers always make me cringe a little. However, I have yet to find a cracker recipe that my kids will not gag over.

Success!!!!!! (I actually spelled that wrong and had to use the cheer I learned in 5th grade to figure it out- s-u-c-c-e-s-s, that's they way we spell success!)

The original recipe is here by Laura at Heavenly Homemakers.

I've done some modifications, though, to please (i.e. trick) my kids into liking them (and they did)! (I like parenthesis-es). ???

Homemade Graham Cracker Shapes

1 cup whole wheat flour
1 1/4 cups white flour
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 t. baking powder
1/2 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
1/4 t. cinnamon
4 T. honey
1/4 cup water (I added a splash more for my dough to work)
1 t. vanilla
1 stick butter, melted

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Melt stick of butter in a pan on the stove. Set aside.
3. Stir together flours, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon in a mixing bowl.
4. Add the liquids: honey, water, vanilla, and melted butter.
5. Stir well until a ball of dough is formed. (Here is where I added a splash more water to make it form a ball.
6. Cut two pieces of parchment paper about the size of a cookie sheet.
7. Put half of dough in between the parchment paper and roll it out with a rolling pin. Roll it out so that the dough is between 1/8 and 1/4 inch thick.
8. Use a cookie cutter to cut out shapes. Put the shapes on top of a cookie sheet (which I also topped with parchment paper before I put the cookies on). Parchment paper is my new friend. My cracker cookies seemed to bake best on the airbake pan.
9. Bake for 13 - 18 minutes. Mine were done at 15. Remove to rack to cool.
10. Repeat with second half of dough.

Basic Cream Cheese Frosting (This is the original recipe, you will have lots left over. I halved it).
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 T. vanilla
4 cups powdered sugar

1. Mix the cream cheese and butter until light and fluffy.
2. Add vanilla and powdered sugar. Beat until smooth.

NOW..... dut, dah dah DAH!!!!

Take two cracker/cookie things and put some frosting in the middle.


I was very pleasantly surprised at how much these are actually like graham crackers. AND if you want chocolate grahams, just add 1/4 cup cocoa powder to your dry ingredients. However, be careful not to burn them like I did the first time. Then you will have this....
You might have a dirty sink like me, too. But the ones that did turn out were pretty good.

And the best news.... My boys loved them. I called them crispy sandwich cookies instead of crackers. And we all liked the original better than the chocolate ones. I hope you try them. I think you will like them.

Also, if you wanted to have a homemade graham cracker crust, I'll bet you could use this recipe for that. But I've never tried it. So, good luck with that.

Love, me

Saturday, July 9, 2011

paying it forward- simple summer pleasures part 2

Strawberry Picking!

Our family went strawberry picking this week. As you can see, M is very proud of his first strawberry of the season.

T is less than enthused. Actually, he is the one who really wanted to go. But he has also hit the age where you must not show your enthusiasm, lest you be deemed "uncool."

Here is Danny channeling M's enthusiasm.

And here we are with our bounty. T = too cool, M = goomba mushroom from Mario

With our meager cash budget, I was left with exactly $15 to spend on strawberries. But alas, 4 strawberry pickers is a lot, and the total was $17. Some kind stranger offered to give us the extra $2, and his only request was that we "pay it forward." How awesome is that!? I say way awesome.

So, this is what I did the rest of the day. Made freezer jam with those strawberries. And in a small effort to pay it forward, let me know if you want some jam. It is very sweet.

Love, me

Thursday, July 7, 2011

simple summer pleasures - part 1

My Backyard!

I really like our backyard. It was a definite plus when considering buying our house. This year, we put in a small raised bed garden. We have pumpkin plants (3), watermelon (2), peas, carrots, and the tall things are sunflowers. We also have cucumber plants that are looking kind of sad. I hope they make it; M and I loved eating cucumbers last year. Check out the scarecrow. I had to turn him around because he usually is facing the other way, pouting like a sassy teenager.

We have the super prolific tomato plant in a pot on our deck. That thing looks awesome. Can't wait for all the fresh tomatoes.

OK, I may be strange, but I really like hanging clothes on the line. Usually the kids are playing on the swing set and it is so peaceful just listening to them play while I hang the clothes in the sunshine. Such a simple thing, but I like it.

Speaking of the swing set, M asked me to push him on the swing. I first said, no, sorry, I am busily making freezer jam. Then, I was like, nope. How much longer will he ask for this? As you can see, he slowed down a lot while I was taking pictures, despite my fabulous "under-duck" skills. T on the other hand, looks like he's going to wrap all the way around the top!

Love those boys. Love the backyard for us to hang in.

Love, me

Thursday, June 30, 2011

my blog title, explained

Hey blog readers!

Thought I take the time to explain the title of my blog. When I tried to think of a name a couple of years ago, I was thinking that my life was pretty normal, i.e. "not too crazy." I also am not that crazy of a person, pretty even keel, I guess.

I'll tell you about someone that is kind of crazy, in a fun way. That person is my mom. Here she is after T's piano recital. She is an awesome lady, and most people who know her, really love her. She works really hard at her job as a PT tech, and is super friendly and outgoing. She also has a reputation in our family for being crazy, especially during board games.

One time, she was holding T as a baby during a rousing game of Taboo. She made him cry with her crazy shouting and leaping. She has a reputation. And I LOVE her.

The only time I'm super crazy is when I'm teaching elementary music. I can act as crazy as I want, and my students love it. Did I ever tell you how much I love my job?

Love, me.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

homemade strawberry ice cream

Kudos to H for sharing this recipe with me! I only changed it by adding 8 or so freshly picked crushed strawberries! And it does NOT require any special machinery.

1 14oz can sweetened condensed milk
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
2 Tbls Bourbon (I used one teaspoon of Whisky, as we are not Bourbon drinkers)
2 cups heavy cream
(I also added the strawberries)

In a medium bowl, stir condensed milk, vanilla, and booze (he he).
In a large bowl (my awesome electric mixer), beat cream on high until stiff peaks form, about 3 minutes.
With a rubber spatula, gently fold whipped cream (and strawberries) into condensed milk mixture.
Pour into something, and freeze until firm.

This was the most delicious, creamy goodness I have ever tasted.

M really liked it, too.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

lemon cucumber water

Hey there blog readers (wink wink)

This is my super cute new cup (from Shopko) filled with water, ice, lemon slice, and cucumber. Saw this idea somewhere else and stole it.

#1 Not a fan of plain water, unless I'm working out.
#2 LOVE the flavor of this! Surprising how much the cucumber comes through.
#3 Really like the new cup. It is cute, I like to drink through a straw, and it doesn't sweat. (Unlike me, when I'm working out)

Just thought I'd share!

Love, me

What is the theme?

Hey blog readers (of which I'm sure I have none) except maybe some who got here by accident!

I am in the midst of summer and am OBSESSED with blogs. Especially food blogs written by moms, and especially moms who want to cook more naturally/organically/healthily/whatever.

I even think in blog talk, as though I am speaking to my fictitious blog readers.

I don't want to be famous or anything. Truthfully, it would be nice for a few more people to know me. Being that I am quite shy in real life. I tend to like friends who carry the conversation. I HATE awkward moments of silence.

Anyway, I am really into cooking. But, I don't think my theme could be cooking. There's so many who already do that (and do it well).

It could be about being a Christ follower-but I'm surely not an expert there!

It could be about being a mom. Not sure my kids want all their junk out there on the web, though.

I really like reading, but don't think that works either.

I guess my blog will just be about all of these parts of me. No theme, definitely not going to get famous with that one. Oh, well. I am blessed.

Love, me.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The story I return to, when I have doubts

I don't know if all Christians have doubts, but sometimes I do. It would be so nice for God to show up in my living room, and talk right to me. But, I did have a powerful experience a few years ago, and I really feel led to share it here....

I decided that I'd like to get another part time job about 3 years ago as a lifeguard. I did it in high school, and thought it would be a nice way to make a little extra money, along with a free Y membership.

So, I had to go to lifeguard training (which by the way, is WAY more intense than it was in high school). I signed up for a two weekend training at the YMCA. Let me tell you about the typical lifeguard trainee. They are usually young, fit, squeaky clean (from all the chlorine?), and on the swim team.

Well, not only did I not fit that description, neither did a young lady named Katie. She was not fit, had short bleached blond hair, tattoos, piercings, and did not appear "squeaky clean." She was also very very quiet.

I felt an immediate need to help her in some way. It was a deep, urgent feeling, that really came over me in a powerful way that first day. As I watched her "parents" drive up and pick her up after an exhausting first day, I couldn't put together the young lady's appearance with the elderly couple that picked her up. And despite my intense urgent feeling to help, I chickened out. I am NOT an outgoing person, and my fears and insecurity got the best of me that whole first weekend.

With bruised arms, and sore muscles (lifeguard training is hard for old ladies like myself!) I spent the next week in a lot of prayer for Katie. I really felt an intense need to do so, so much that I have trouble describing how it felt. I told my family about her, and asked them to pray as well.

The next weekend I finished lifeguard training with the flu; thank goodness for Advil! Nothing like having body aches and chills while jumping in and out of the pool, and pulling muscle-y teenage boys from the bottom of the pool, whose legs sink like rocks!

However, the most amazing story came from Katie that day! I purposefully joined the group she was in, and she was ALIVE that day. She shared with us that she was in foster care; she had been on the streets using and dealing drugs, living a rough and lost life. Then she excitedly shared that she became "born again" that week. She was just beaming, and so happy. I was completely floored.

I didn't know exactly what I was praying for that week, I just knew that I needed to do something. That the feeling was so powerful. I did give her a hug and wish her well. And that was it. We all took our written tests and left. And I've never seen her again.

That experience was so powerful for me and my faith, that I felt the need to share. I've never directed anyone to my blog, because I felt like I it was more of a diary for me, and who would be interested. But this story, is one for sharing. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Go Pack Go or Screentime limits

Go Pack Go!!!! Or went, Pack, went...... as in went on to be Superbowl Champs! That was awesome!!!! Really enjoyed watching the game at the B's house with friends. M crashed during the 4th quarter.

Well, after my 38th birthday, I've decided to limit my computer screen time to once a day, after the kids go to bed. I've been doing it for 2 days now, and have noticed that I'm spending much more time talking to the kids and actually getting stuff done. Countless times, I have walked over to the computer, and turned around again. Facebook has been such a bad habit for me, and leading me over to youtube where I can spend countless hours.

I also spend way too much time checking school email. Heck, if I'm only getting paid part time wages, I shouldn't be spending all my time off looking for school emails, right?

The main goal for me is more connections with my two precious boys.....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

another 6 months later

Wow! If I'm really going to blog, I should probably do it a little more often. Well, it is post-Christmas, and almost my 38th birthday. When the heck did I get that old. I remember when my Mom turned forty, I was in college. So different for me. I'll have a nine and almost 7 year old.

Things are going well around here. I'm teaching music part - time and REALLY loving it. Today we sang the Packer Dynamite song. It was awesome to see the kids so excited, not only for the Packers who play in the Superbowl on Sunday, but because it was a parody of Dynamite, which most of them know and love.

T had piano lesson today; he is doing really well with it. Just starting the music staff. I'm glad he's found something he's found an identity with. He's not into sports, so it is good for him.

M is doing well in 4K. Not much new to report there.

Just want to end by saying how great my hubby is. Everyone who knows him, loves him. He makes everyone feel so comfortable. I envy that about it, but also appreciate it. I would have to come out of my shell a lot more if he wasn't around.

I'd really like to keep this blog up.