Thursday, July 22, 2010

6 months later!

Hey, I'm getting better. It has only been a HALF a year this time! I've been reading a friend's blog, almost daily, so thought I'd check to see if I remembered how to get to my blog. Now that it is mid-summer and I'm kinda bored on this rainiest of summers, maybe I'll get into keeping up with this thing. And maybe learn how to post some pictures!

I deliberately took the summer completely off! No teaching or jobs whatsoever! I am liking it, but will be ready for school to start. Hey, it is only 45% after all. I think I'll be teaching Tues/Thurs all day and Friday mornings for an hour and a half. Not too bad, methinks!

Just hope we don't end up in the poorhouse! Thank goodness for my faith in God. Don't have to worry that way.