Thursday, July 22, 2010

6 months later!

Hey, I'm getting better. It has only been a HALF a year this time! I've been reading a friend's blog, almost daily, so thought I'd check to see if I remembered how to get to my blog. Now that it is mid-summer and I'm kinda bored on this rainiest of summers, maybe I'll get into keeping up with this thing. And maybe learn how to post some pictures!

I deliberately took the summer completely off! No teaching or jobs whatsoever! I am liking it, but will be ready for school to start. Hey, it is only 45% after all. I think I'll be teaching Tues/Thurs all day and Friday mornings for an hour and a half. Not too bad, methinks!

Just hope we don't end up in the poorhouse! Thank goodness for my faith in God. Don't have to worry that way.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

2nd blog-almost a year later

Wow! I think that I went into a depression after writing that 1st blog as well. Hope it is not a pattern. Perhaps I should leave while I'm ahead.

Anyway, I have two wonderful boys, I'll call them T & M, cause once again, I'm not sure who can read this, if anyone, and I wouldn't want to give all that info out, would I?

T is now 6 and in kindergarten and LOVES numbers. He is a one track kind of kid, and numbers is it right now.

M is hilarious and silly. Everything is game: "Mommy, if I hit the toothpaste into the sink, that means I want it, and if I kick it, that means I don't." He is so cuddly and lovey most of the time, it just melts my heart.

And my husband, D, is the absolute best. Just wish I knew how to show him this. I am SO closed off. The poor guy is a saint, if i could just relax, and let him know how proud I am of him.

I think this blog makes me a little too introspective. Anyway, must get to bed. Off to teach the band tomorrow morning. Solo & Ensemble time, you know...