Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Wish for the New School Year

I love the start of school. It doesn't matter that summer was awesome and I wish I had more of it. It doesn't matter that I love hanging in my pajamas into all hours of the morning (and sometimes afternoon). It doesn't matter that I am addicted to a cup of coffee while watching the Today Show.

I love the start of a new school year! The hope and promise of a new year is always a thrill for me. New relationships, rekindling old relationships, trying something new, a fresh start; these are all phrases that come to mind.

Most importantly, though, I have a goal for my music classroom: I want my students to experience the love from me that I have received unconditionally from Jesus. I want this at the start of every school year. For ALL my students. Even the ones that can wear you down. Even the ones that are tough. Even the ones who won't participate. Even the ones who are quiet. Even the ones who are quirky. Even the ones who are so sweet, but are hiding a secret hurt. Especially all of them!

I strive and pray for this every year, and every year I know that I fail. I get too focused on a result. I get distracted.  I get frustrated. I forget to see the "child" in the children. Lord, help me to always see these little children as you see them. Help me to respond in a way that honors your love. I know I don't deserve it, but I am so grateful and blessed to have that gift.

They really all are a gift to me, entrusted to me by their parents and community. Help me to remember that in the midst of a tough schedule, a hard day, pressures to perform, or whatever else gets in the way. I am teaching music, but what I'm really doing is loving small human beings.

I want to incorporate lots and lots of play, even for my older students. We need to laugh and communicate and include everyone. No matter what my principal directed goal sheet is for the year, these are my goals for my new, challenging,  and exciting school year!




Nancy said...

uThat is SO GREAT!!!

I just read it out loud to Sam... and he told me to send it on to Laura, our daughter who is in her first week as an elementary art teacher.

I may have to blog about it.

Love you, Carisa

Nancy said...

I don't what that 'u' is!! (typo, of course)

carisa said...

Thanks Nancy! I've got two schools as well and the worst/busiest schedule I've ever had, but I'm choosing to focus on the positive!

carisa said...
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