Saturday, July 9, 2011

paying it forward- simple summer pleasures part 2

Strawberry Picking!

Our family went strawberry picking this week. As you can see, M is very proud of his first strawberry of the season.

T is less than enthused. Actually, he is the one who really wanted to go. But he has also hit the age where you must not show your enthusiasm, lest you be deemed "uncool."

Here is Danny channeling M's enthusiasm.

And here we are with our bounty. T = too cool, M = goomba mushroom from Mario

With our meager cash budget, I was left with exactly $15 to spend on strawberries. But alas, 4 strawberry pickers is a lot, and the total was $17. Some kind stranger offered to give us the extra $2, and his only request was that we "pay it forward." How awesome is that!? I say way awesome.

So, this is what I did the rest of the day. Made freezer jam with those strawberries. And in a small effort to pay it forward, let me know if you want some jam. It is very sweet.

Love, me


Jana said...

you gave my family some last year and it was FANTASTIC!! If you get no takers and still have leftovers to get rid of, let me know. I would be happy to help you eat it up ;)

Nancy said...

Great pictures!!!
(and, of course, great commentary!!)

If you come to town, maybe you could bring some of that jam.
(Or I could use my imagination. Mm.)