Thursday, July 7, 2011

simple summer pleasures - part 1

My Backyard!

I really like our backyard. It was a definite plus when considering buying our house. This year, we put in a small raised bed garden. We have pumpkin plants (3), watermelon (2), peas, carrots, and the tall things are sunflowers. We also have cucumber plants that are looking kind of sad. I hope they make it; M and I loved eating cucumbers last year. Check out the scarecrow. I had to turn him around because he usually is facing the other way, pouting like a sassy teenager.

We have the super prolific tomato plant in a pot on our deck. That thing looks awesome. Can't wait for all the fresh tomatoes.

OK, I may be strange, but I really like hanging clothes on the line. Usually the kids are playing on the swing set and it is so peaceful just listening to them play while I hang the clothes in the sunshine. Such a simple thing, but I like it.

Speaking of the swing set, M asked me to push him on the swing. I first said, no, sorry, I am busily making freezer jam. Then, I was like, nope. How much longer will he ask for this? As you can see, he slowed down a lot while I was taking pictures, despite my fabulous "under-duck" skills. T on the other hand, looks like he's going to wrap all the way around the top!

Love those boys. Love the backyard for us to hang in.

Love, me


Jana said...

LOVE clothes lines, gardens and swingsets in the backyard. I have all 3 myself! :)

Nancy said...

I love your blog!!
It's refreshing, delightful, and well, it makes me smile!

Glad you pushed Max on the swing. My kids are too old for that - sigh.
Ah, but life is good.
(Every stage is good.)
(Some easier than others.)

carisa said...

@Jana- yay, they are great, aren't they.

@Nancy- thanks for the nice comments! Tanner already doesn't want me to push him, and he's 7. He's definitely hit a "mom's not cool" stage.