Sunday, March 16, 2014

A New Chapter

The Lueck family will soon be entering into a new life phase. Tanner is 10, Max is 8, and we may be adding a new member (or two) to our family this summer. NO! I am not pregnant! Danny and I just attended our first foster parent meeting last week.

I have wanted to be a foster parent for several years. It has weighed on my heart weekly, since before Tanner was born. I have been saying for years that as soon as my kids were both in school, I would look into it. Well, that time came and went, and I went from part-time to full-time, and life got busy. I didn't think I could give enough time or energy to kids who really need it with the schedule I currently have.

It looks as if my district is finally considering letting me go part-time again to make this possible. A month ago, though, I decided that even if I was full-time, we surely could take on some elementary age kids. Tricia Murphy had a great message that week in church about just taking that step. The time is now! I am so excited and Danny is a little more tentative but he's on board, too.

I know that it will be challenging. I've heard enough "horror stories" from well-meaning? acquaintances, but have also had some encouragement that felt really great. Know that I can't post any details or pictures on social media. This will not and cannot become a "foster care blog." I honestly don't get how the people who have those blogs get away with some of the things they share.

Anyway, feel free to send some prayers our way. We've got a mountain of paperwork to do, and fingerprints, background checks, home studies, and I can see why it is necessary. We may be ready as early as this summer to welcome some new additions to our family.

I am blessed and so thankful for this opportunity! Thanks in advance for your prayers and thoughts.



1 comment:

Janie said...

Wow. How exciting!
And know that I will be praying for you guys in this new, important phase of your lives.
Wow. I'm impressed. Some little one(s) will be so blessed to be in your home.

And I don't know how I missed your blog on my blog list. Well, I guess I wasn't paying attention!! I'm glad you alerted me... and called me you 'blog-hero'. Awwwww.

Again, let me say, we'll be praying for you all - and for all the details that go into becoming foster parents.

Love you.