But, the most awesome thing has a occurred this week with me. I think I have begun to see people a little bit more the way God sees them.
Let me explain. Here's where the jerk part comes. As much as I didn't want to, I have always judged people on appearance. Not proud of it. It just happened. Oh, that person has a huge nose. That person is chubby. That person has a way out of date look. Whatever.
Not that I think I am "all that" myself. I just judged. Then I felt bad, and tried to move past it.
I know, I know.
Now for a few years, I HAVE been seeing children as beautiful. No matter what. I especially love the quirky things about them, especially when they get adult teeth that are so big for their faces. That is so cute.
But I noticed at this class I have been taking that I wasn't judging. I was just appreciating all the different looks people are created with. And they were all beautiful. I realized this as I just found this woman to be stunning. And I was trying to explain her to Danny. I said, "Well, she's kind of a bigger lady, and she has short dark hair and dark funky glasses. " And I realized that in the world's eyes, the way I was describing her was not stunningly beautiful.
But, she is! Her hair was an awesome dark shiny color, her skin was just a beautiful color, and her eyes were dark and sparkly. I don't know, just her whole self was beauty.
And another lady you could tell didn't have much money, her glasses and clothes were out of style. But her character, spunk, and enthusiasm shone through. And she was just so darn cute to me.
It is so hard to describe, but I sit with tears in my eyes right now thinking about it. It is just such a great experience to look around at all the people in my life and see such beauty.
Thank you God for opening my eyes!
Wow. This is great, Carisa!!!
And I love how you write about it!!
Nancy, you are so great to always leave me a comment. Thank you!
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